Making the Most of Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Simplicity

Thanksgiving Day is a joyous time to gather and share the day with those whom you love, filling our hearts with delight and our souls with comfort. There is nothing like sharing this day with family and friends.

Thanksgiving Day is a time we can give thought to our lives and express what we are grateful for. It is a time we can use to catch up on each other’s lives, share current and past stories. We can reflect on our history together, our trials and tribulations, and our successes. It is truly a time we can use to reconnect and catch up with those who have a special place in our heart.

This year, let go of expectations and make this Thanksgiving Day stress free; bring laughter and relaxation. Keep dinner simple and assign everyone a part of the meal. Many tend to put more into the meal than into the company. For me, it is about being together, whether that is with just one other person, or many.

I love what Erma Bombeck said, “I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.” Hearing this changed my life. I started limiting the energy I put into cleaning prior to company coming over. Instead, I get excited about seeing others. Most people do not notice the small things that you may think matter. They are there to see you and enjoy their time.

A holiday tradition that was started when my kids were younger is that before we ate our dinner, we would each have a lit candle. We would go around the table and share what we were thankful for and then blow out the candle. It was a wonderful way to share something and bond as a family

I created a conversation game years ago when my kids were teens and have since used it at family reunions and holiday gatherings. It is so much fun; it creates laughter and thought. You get an opportunity to improve your knowledge of each other. It is an excellent opportunity to get to know your kids. I have since improved and added additional questions, and had the game professionally printed. I originally called the activity “the question jar” but have since named it “Chatterbox.” It is a staple at our gatherings. You can get it here:

There is also a kid’s version in a book with pictures and questions that are simpler and require minimal life experience to play. It is a great travel book! See it here:

I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving Day at your home, or where ever you may travel. Be safe and give a lot of hugs.

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