Do Your Surroundings Make You Happy?

Did you know that your surroundings play a huge role in your life?

When you surround yourself with the things that you love and enjoy, you will find that you are happier, your daily motivation will be higher, and you will feel more exuberant. If that is not enough, research shows that when your mood is good and you are happier, you will lead a healthier life!

When you spend time in a place that makes you feel good, your time is enjoyable. On the other hand, spending time in a place that is not satisfying, you are far more likely to be drained of energy and feeling exhausted.

Your surroundings also include the people you associate with. Spend time with people who have dreams, who are caring and take pleasure in life. Eliminate or limit the amount of time you spend with negative people; they are toxic. When you spend your time with positive people, you will have the opportunity to soar.

So, what do you do? Light up and fill your space with things that you love and things that make you smile. Hang up fun and inspiring items, set out photographs of good times, and have a dream board that you look at regularly. Paint a small area or a particular room a color that gives you energy; this is your room so it is the color that makes you feel great, not a color that interior designers thinks is best.

Evaluate the spaces in your home, in your office, and in your automobile. Begin by thinking about the areas below.

  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Yard
  • Purse/wallet
  • Closet
  • Automobile
  • People

Choose one area that needs improvement, preferably the one where you spend the most time, and commit to making this space a more motivating and inspiring area. Take your time and put some thought into how you can improve each area, completing just one area at a time.

Have an inspiring day!