New Year Resolutions are Overrated…

…unless you keep them fresh in your mind throughout the year

Do you have one thing that you continually wish you would act upon? Most people do, but with our busy lives, we just keep moving forward. Simply making a verbal resolution to yourself is not enough if you are serious about achieving something.

Your resolution may require more self-discipline and/or changing or reshaping a habit. Self-awareness and repetition may play a big part in making your resolution a reality. Daily small steps and reminders will help you stay on course.

6 effective actions you can take that can help you achieve your resolution:

  1. Write a commitment to yourself. Create a screen saver, hang it on a wall, or put it in or near your planner (electronic or paper). Read it with intent each day.
  2. Get a picture of your resolution, if possible. Look at it each morning as you awaken. An easy way to do this is to hang it near a bathroom mirror.
  3. Write a plan on how you can achieve the resolution that includes actions to take, dates to take the actions, and date of accomplishment.
  4. Figure out ways of how to make the actions you need to take more convenient with your current lifestyle.
  5. Require completion of an action before you reward yourself with entertainment or down time.
  6. Enlist a friend or partner to either help you stay on track or have them join you if they have the same goal for the year.

The key to reaching your resolution is to continuously remain mindful of your resolution. New ideas and desires are exciting in the beginning, but they take work. Over time, you may get bored or feel like progress is too slow. Be consistent; the best things take time and dedication to achieve.

Right now, take the first step:  Write your resolution and your commitment to it in a note to yourself. If that is all you can do, start there. Put this in your wallet or purse. It is the first step toward achieving something you thought was worthwhile.