Self-Care Tips for the Holiday Season

The holidays are joyous but can be a very stressful time. It is a time for families and friends to get together and enjoy each other’s company. If I can share one thing that I have learned is not to worry so much about every detail; make things simple. The house doesn’t have to be spotless, it is okay if you forget the dessert or the cranberry sauce; family and friends are there for laughter and love.

There is a lot going on and we just need to remember the good things that the holidays bring. Forget perfection; remember laughter and love.

Remember to take some time for self-care. Find the little bit of discretionary time your may have and do something relaxing…or do nothing. When you are resting because you are worn out, you need to remember that you are not wasting time doing nothing. You are doing exactly what you need to do. You are recovering so you can be better tomorrow or later that day.

Here are some ideas for self-care during the holidays:

  • Prioritize your time and make lists. Write out the things you need to do, everything you can think of, then group the tasks, and prioritize them. Set aside time on your calendar for each group. You can then put this out of your mind because it is on your calendar and you know when you will complete each necessary errand or task.
  • Ask for help. Generally, others would enjoy helping where they are needed. Reach out to others and ask them to participate in some of the tasks or errands that need to be done. This will help remove some of the responsibilities from you.
  • Make time to do things that you enjoy. What do you love to do? What makes you feel relaxed? Schedule some downtime for meditation, yoga, a walk, a hot bath, a cup of your favorite tea, or coffee with a friend. This is not a waste of time; it will help re-energize you.
  • Set boundaries. If others are asking too much of you, you can politely decline their requests. If your calendar is full, and yes, this includes your downtime, then it is fine to let others know your calendar is full.

Holidays are special and they are fun; minimize the chaos and take care of yourself. Some short bursts of time for self-care will help you organize, re-energize, and be better prepared to handle the holiday festivities.